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    *Stay in touch for the latest on our Amethyst

    There are no two the same

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    There are no two the same


    Like Amethyst there are no two natural gems exactly the same and there are no two people exactly the same. You are unique and that is what makes you special.



    As you fall in love with yourself you will discover your true authentic qualities that make you beautiful as yourself.



    The ring you choose is a special experience for you. When you relate to one of our advocates it may help you connect with your inner power and which ring is right for you.

    Our Self Love Engagement ring was created for you to begin your commitment to loving yourself.



    We hand source Natural Amethyst in remote regions. All of our materials are sustainably sourced to preserve natural environment.




    For centuries Amethyst has been the gemstone of royalty and bishops for its rare natural purple color. Amethyst the stone of spirituality heals the heart at the highest spiritual levels, promoting peace and calm. It guides to you love everlastingly.






    Amethyst Advocate



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